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Escaping the Nine Circles of SOC Hell

A SOC analyst’s life should never feel like hell. Yet in many SOCs and security teams, there are challenges that directly impact analysts’ ability to truly thrive, and many of our team here at Exabeam have experienced those challenges first hand in their careers. So we’ve put together a series entitled ’Escaping Dante’s SOC Inferno’ to help you and your team reach SOC nirvana.

For those of you who haven’t yet got around to reading Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, it is a long narrative poem, originally written in Dante’s native Italian. The full work took Dante around 12 years to write. The poem contains over 14,000 lines of text covering a period of 7 days – so there’s clearly a log file comparison to be had here if you squint hard enough.

And if you’ve not had a chance to check out our blogs and webinars yet, all is not lost!

Watch the webinars on-demand:

Check out the blog series:

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